Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Remove the ANNOYING Shortcut Arrow

This describes how to get rid of the shortcut arrow overlay...
(credit goes to WinHelpOnline)

Remove or modify the Shortcut overlay

Method 1

Download Vista Shortcut Overlay Remover (FxVisor) from frameworkx. FxVisor allows you to either way to modify or remove the shortcut overlay arrow in Windows 7 and Vista. Here is the screenshot of that utility: (screenshot removed becaause they are assholes)

Method 2

Removing the shortcut arrow: Download and extract the file blank.ico to a folder of your choice. In this example, we use C:\Icons\blank.ico as the path to the icon file you downloaded. And then follow these steps:

  1. Click Start, type regedit.exe and press ENTER
  2. Navigate to the following branch:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ explorer \ Shell Icons

  1. In the right pane, create a new String value (REG_SZ) named 29
  2. Double-click 29 and set its Value data as C:\Icons\blank.ico
  3. Close Regedit.exe and restart Windows

Note: If the Shell Icons branch does not exist already, you'll need to create it.

LET ME MAKE THIS DISCLAIMER - Editing the registry can be dangerous to your computer and your sanity. I cannot be held liable for anything you do while editing the registry of your computer. If you have never edited the registry, or if you feel uncomfortable even thinking about editing the registry, give your laptop to some geek who has done it before, and let them do it for you.

Credits: The overlay icon above (blank.ico) for Windows Vista was created using the freeware IcoFX utility. Thanks to the folks at IcoFX for helping me successfully create an overlay icon for Windows Vista.

Setting Light arrow overlay: If you wish to use a light arrow for Shortcuts, you may do so by downloading (includes lightarrow.ico). Copy lightarrow.ico to your Icons folder, and set the Value data for 29 accordingly (see Step 4 above). If you've copied lightarrow.ico to your C:\Icons folder, the Value data would be C:\Icons\lightarrow.ico

Please note I could not get Method 1 to work in Windows 7, Method 2 worked fine!

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