Friday, May 22, 2009

EnableInputMonitor = 01

Here is installment #5 of the continuing Field Day Setup Progress Report (no longer named FIASCO!)

No longer a fiasco because I was able to get full-duplex audio working on the Dell D630 Laptop!

For those of you with a Dell Latitude D630 running Microstink Vista (or any computer that uses Sigmatel audio for that matter...) who want to enable full-duplex audio, you will need to edit the registry.

Here is the fix:


Change the Binary Value for EnableIntSpkrMute to 00

Add the Binary Value EnableInputMonitor and set the value to 01


Right Click the Volume Speaker Icon by the clock on the taskbar, Select Playback Devices, Double-click Speakers/Headphones, Click the Levels tab, then unmute the Input Monitor option.

LET ME MAKE THIS DISCLAIMER - Editing the registry can be dangerous to your computer and your sanity. I cannot be held liable for anything you do while editing the registry of your computer. If you have never edited the registry, or if you feel uncomfortable even thinking about editing the registry, give your laptop to some geek who has done it before, and let them do it for you.

Works like a charm. I now have inserted a REAL laptop into the main slot, let's see how this one reacts...

Anyway, busy day today, spent all day at a conference in South Burlington at the High School. I used to think our school and network were screwed up. Turns out Woodstock is miles ahead as far as technology is concerned, and we are doing things in a small school that bigger schools can only hope to implement some day. Go figure. It appears as though they have plenty of money though, their auditorium was one of the nicest I have ever seen. Really cool audio and lighting boards. Wish we had that.

Testing will continue with the Dell D630 this weekend. I hope to setup some .wav files, but I have to remember to start Sound Recorder from the command line, as by default it wants to record .wma files. Damned Vista... Yet another ill-behaved Microscam product. At least the D630 has a REAL 9-pin com port. No serial to USB adapter to worry about. Besides, I have always thought the delay introduced by the USB stuff was a problem, I will use the ThinkPad with the USB to serial as a backup now. Mike KT1Q won't need to scrape up a backup laptop after all...

Now that the laptop is working (so far) I am actually getting excited about working Field Day with the SOVARC boys (and girls... I haven't seen Mandy AI1A in ages!). The thought of loading all this crap into the truck is a but unnerving, but I survived the NEAR-Fest, so I guess this isn't too much different. I will be hauling real radio-related stuff instead of junk computer crap. It does seem a bit different to go and play radio in a different area, it would make more sense to hang out with the guys around the Upper Valley (TSRC). Ever since they ruined Field Day for myself and Mike N1MS, I have held a grudge. As past president of TSRC I am utterly appalled at what they have become and the money they waste each year. It is not as though they are rich, but they insist on maintaining a used vehicle lot in the guise of 'Emergency Service'. Best thing I ever did was dis-associate myself from those losers. Now I get to play radio with REAL hams... Or as Ed WA1MAG would say, Ham Radio Buffs...

Sometimes taking a break from things can allow you to clear your mind, look at things from a different perspective, and gain some insight that one would normally overlook. That is what happened here, I had to think about things for a bit, then figure out where to look for answers. And that brings me to the whole purpose for these recent posts, a convenient method to document the trials and tribulations of setting up a Field Day station. It really can only get worse from here...

This Dell Latitude D630 is an awesome laptop. I just can't help bragging about what this thing contains:

Intel T9500 dual-core processor @ 2.6 GHz (this may change, I may swap in a slower processor just for testing purposes, probably a T9300 @ 2.5 GHz...)
8Gb PC2 memory (all addressable, requires BIOS A15)
MS Vista SP1 64-Bit
300Gb 7200 RPM Seagate HD
Sony 16X DVD Dual-Layer optical drive
Optional 9-cell battery (approx 4-hours battery life... depending)
Optional Device Bay battery
Actual 9-pin comm port
1440X900 Display Resolution
Intel 4965 BGN Wireless (230 mps wireless connect to an N-Router)
Gigabyte ethernet

I think now you can see why I prefer to use this laptop. It is a road-warriors dream machine.

Anyway, now that it works, let's see what it can do over the next week, I will keep you all posted here. Leave a comment if you get a minute.

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