Thursday, May 28, 2009

N3FJP Logging Software

In an unprecidented move, FD Chairman Chuck WA1NBU authorized a change in the logging program used by SOVARC at Field Day 2009.

I find it hard to believe that the previous logging software, WR9R lasted as long as it did. Must be everyone upgraded from DOS machines to those new-fangled Winderz computers. Now all we need to do is get Skip to fork out the $6.00 it will take to get a registration code...

This is pretty easy software to use, you can use either the spacebar or the enter key to advance between fields in the exchange, and you can edit easily also. There is a networked version available, but operating 3A with a GOTA station really doesn't lend itself to networking, the need just isn't there. Maybe next year I can get some fiber adapters and connect everyone up, but with this rinky-dink operation (in comparison to some 24A station setups) it is really pretty easy to dump the logs and figure things out on paper.

DVK and CW really work well with this package if you have the time, patience and interface to connect it all up. Skip NC2T and Bob WA2VYZ will do well in the CW tent, they are both pretty saavy operators and will have things totally automated while everyone else is still struggling to get antennas tuned. Even Novice operators will find it easy to use, dupes are displayed almost immediately and in a large font that is easily read. The operators just need to insure that you set the band and mode appropriately, especially on multi-band stations.

The window size seems to fit the screen well, especially on a wide-screen laptop. The color scheme looks good, but there are a couple text color changes you can make if you find differentiating worked callsigns difficult. There is even a graph and map available, but I haven't investigated those options yet, I have been busy with the DVK stuff as well as work and travel as of late. As mentioned in a previous post I should be able to get the voice exchanges recorded over the weekend if I can find some quiet time, and then start to take a few pix of the setup so I can have something to refer to when it comes time to set it all up again.

In the next couple weeks I will be installing Windows 7 on a couple laptops, I just got my RC (Release Candidate) in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions. Wouldn't it be cool to run Win 7 at Field Day! The Win 7 RC won't officially expire until June 1st 2010, but it will start shutting down every two hours starting March 1st 2010. Plenty of time to play!

I wonder if Win 7 will do full-duplex...?

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