Saturday, May 30, 2009

I Was Wrong Yet Again...

Windows 7 DOES do full-duplex out-of-the-box...

Here is the dialog box that controls this action, I overlooked this in my overzealous attempt to bash Microscum's new OS. I guess I can chalk this up to yet another instance where this new OS is waaay smarter than we are, but I WAS correct when I said you will love this OS for the control it gives you. It just WORKS.

Problem is, when you use this control it introduces a bit of a digital delay into the recorded audio, probably an attempt by the almighty Microsmut to prevent feedback when monitoring a high output condenser mic. I can still use the playback control registry hack in the same exact fashion as before, WITHOUT the delay as well. Either one will work, it just depends if you are monitoring your own voice in full-duplex. The delay will throw you for a loop...

The codebase of the OS is a cumulation of NT, XP, Vista and it shows. This is a mature, stable platform that takes up less space and because of that, will appear to run faster and better than any OS you can install on the computer. I can say this because I have installed several different OS's on this laptop, in several different configurations. Currently I am in the process of obtaining a version of OS X that I will be able to run on this machine, too bad there isn't the software base for OS X and Linux that there is for Winslowz, not that I would run anything else at Field Day anyway...

And that includes OS X, this is gonna blow Mac users away. They will never admit it, but this Win 7 thing is gonna revolutionize how people interface with computers. It is the EXACT thing Microsnuff needs to do in order to make up for the failed Vista attempt... When 4-year-olds can run Win 7 without difficulty it kinda sez something about computers - They have truly become just a tool to do things. The OS doesn't necessarily matter anymore (unless you are doing specialized things) if you are only getting info or communicationg, the ability to integrate this tech stuff into our society is key in unlocking the educational process. Everyone gets smarter because of these technical advances, and in turn general crime goes down, but unfortunately terrorists get smarter too, so you can draw your own conclusions there. Best part is that your kids get to do things you only imagined as a child yourself. Truly amazing.

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